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Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Congrats to Gail Sunshine of Valleyview - winner of the Peavey Mart 50/50 held at the Foster's Peace Country Classi… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Sandi of Foster's Agri World does some clean-up on a CLAAS combine to get ready for the Foster's Peace Country Clas… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Ever petted a miniature horse? A goat, sheep or donkey? Now is your chance at the PARDS Petting Zoo that is part of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
We are looking forward to this!
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Ted Graham with an Uber For Everything presentation is the first person up at the Growing The North Conference in t… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
RT @McGovernsRV: McGoverns Show N Sale!🎉 Today marks the start of our Fifth-Wheel Deal Week! Come check us out at the Tara Centre in Everg…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
RT @McGovernsRV: 🎉🔥🔥The McGoverns Annual Show N Sale is finally here!!🔥🔥🎉 Don't miss out on our $2500 door prize, the exclusive No-Bo RV re…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Brag time! Evergreen Park won three marketing awards - first for website and social media and a second for our Fost… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Darlene from McGovern's RV & Marine is making sure every nook and cranny of the dozens of units on display are read… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Evergreen Park @Evergreengp
Thank you Grande Prairie Regional Tourism Association for your support of the Foster's Peace Country Classic Agri-S… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
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