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Casino Niagara Employees Reject Union

ews Brief: Workers at Casino Niagara in Niagara Falls, Ont., have voted against joining a union by a 59 percent margin, but the Canadian Auto Workers called the election tainted and vowed to contest it.

Expert: Hastings Track Slots Come with a Social Price

News Brief: Slot machines can probably save the Hastings race track, an Alberta gambling expert says. But there is a price to pay.

Hastings Park Slot Plan on Hold

News Brief: After a Vancouver city council vote on Tuesday night, installing slots at the Hastings Park racetrack is still on hold.

Canadian Swindlers Target UK Pensioners

International News Brief: The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has warned that more than 15 call centres are targeting the UK with a new scam offering to forward winnings from the Canadian Lottery in return for a fee.

Slots Approved for Vancouver's Plaza of Nations Casino

News Brief: Vancouver City council opened the doors for slot machines in the city yesterday by narrowly passing a motion to hold a public hearing to allow slots at a casino at the Plaza of Nations.

Gambling Foe Fights Slots in Vancouver

News Brief: Bill Chu, founder of the Multicultural Coalition Against Gambling Expansion, sees slot machines as the most guilty corrupters.

Quebec Gambling Addicts Embrace New Cashless Casino

News Brief: A Qubec man has opened up a new cashless casino café where the only jackpot comes from the satisfaction players get from knowing their chips and tokens cost them nothing more than the coffee or hamburger on the cafe's menu.

British Columbian Lottery Players Against Changes

News Brief: Outraged lottery players have inundated newspapers and lottery outlets with complaints about the 6/49 lottery doubling its price to $2 next year.

Vancouver Officials Recommend Slots

News Brief: Vancouver city staff are recommending their elected bosses take a gamble and approve slot machines for a proposed casino in False Creek and at Hastings Racecourse, in a move that could dump an additional $18.5 million into city coffers each year.

Boy Found Gambling in Casino

News Brief: Casino Windsor could face sanctions from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario after a 12-year-old boy was nabbed trying his luck on the gaming floor.

Man Jumps from Casino Construction Site

News Brief: A man jumped through a second floor window and fell nearly 30 feet to the ground at the new casino construction site Tuesday afternoon.

Baccarat Casino Pulls Edmonton Expansion Plan

News Brief: Those behind an expansion of the downtown Baccarat Casino pulled their proposal off the table Tuesday morning, just as city council was to vote on it.

Canadian Report: Half of Teens Gamble

News Brief: Half of Canadian teens gamble for fun, research shows, but many aren't getting the message that they can develop a gambling problem.

Canadian Lotteries Booming

ews Brief: Day by day and dollar by dollar, Canada’s federal and provincial governments are selling hope to people across the country and business is booming.

Gambler Settles Lawsuit with Government Agency

News Brief: A compulsive gambler has settled a lawsuit out of court against the government agency which runs Ontario's casinos.

Manitobans Most Vulnerable to Gambling Problems

News Brief: Manitobans who play casinos and video lottery terminals are the most likely in Canada to have gambling problems, according to new numbers from Statistics Canada.

Manitoba Hotels, Bars Push For Increased Gambling

News Brief: Manitoba hotel and bar owners, fearing a big drop in business if a proposed province-wide smoking ban goes ahead, want to offer more gambling to keep customers coming.

Saskatoon City Council Rejects Casino Expansion Idea

News Brief: Saskatoon's new city council wasted no time and little breath putting to rest an issue that dominated the last term, stamping out at its first meeting any thought of expanding casino gambling anytime soon within city limits.

Casino Niagara Patron Assaulted, Robbed of Chips

News Brief: The assailant grabbed a leather pouch attached to the victim's belt and ripped it free before fleeing on foot.

Saskatoon Rejects Casino Plan

News Brief: Voters in Saskatoon have rejected plans for a downtown casino in a plebiscite held in conjunction with Wednesday’s Saskatchewan municipal elections.

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