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Alberta Charitable Gaming

Charitable gaming is governed by the Criminal Code, the Gaming and Liquor Act, and the Gaming and Liquor Regulation. A license is only issued to charitable and religious organizations whose proceeds are used for charitable or religious purposes. Charitable gaming includes bingo, casino table games, pull-ticket sales and raffles. Proceeds are revenue from gaming events after expenses and must be used to support charitable purposes that the AGLC approves.

In July 2018, Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis began accepting applications for gaming supplier registration to provide electronic raffle system components in Alberta. The move to modernize raffle policies follows changes to the Criminal Code of Canada that enable eligible charities to sell and issue raffle tickets, distribute prizes and select a winner through the use of a random number generator on or through a computer.

Although not operated for profit, Casino City considers gaming activities conducted at charitable casinos to be casino and card room gaming activities.
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